“Vision without action is a daydream.
Action without vision is a nightmare”

—Japanese proverb

Utahns for Better Transportation

About Us

Utahns for Better Transportation (UBET) is an organization dedicated to promoting balanced transportation choices that serve and respect our neighborhoods, our environment, and our future quality of life along the Wasatch Front.

Since 1995, UBET has worked to educate decision-makers and the Utah community to the benefits of a balanced transportation system and the wisdom of a transit-first investment strategy. UBET has led the effort to challenge the status quo philosophy and practice of a business-as-usual decision-making model that attempts to accommodate predicted increases in vehicle-miles-traveled instead of one that provides incentives to reduce those numbers. Reducing vehicle-miles-traveled improves air quality, decreases automobile congestion (especially at the peak hours), reduces fuel consumption, and ensures healthier Utah communities.

UBET works in collaboration with other public interest groups to promote development of reliable, convenient, and affordable transit choices; safe and extensive bicycle pathways; and walkable, mixed-use communities. UBET is a 501(c)(3) tax dedutctable organization.

Listen to Brenn Hill’s “Legacy Highway”

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